Advertise With Us

Within just few months that Colors and Grays is online, the impressions have made enormously improved! From a low stat of just fifty page views a week, Colors and Grays now boast an average of three thousand page views with about nine hundred unique visitors. I know that this is way too low compared to other blogs but I am making extra efforts to gain more visitors. And as I am improving, I want you to be my partner by putting your ads which in turn can direct potential leads to your business.

How this works?
 Simply email us at in this format:

  •     Your Name
  •     Your Contact Number:
  •     Your Company Name:
  •     Your Company Webpage:
  •     A banner or logo:
  •     And how long you wish to put up your banner:
  •     Rates (Banner - 468px x 60px): Negotiable
Currently, we only offer a banner ad with a size of 468px by 60px. But as this blog improve, visitors wise, we will be adding more ad space.
In addition, we also offer cheap sponsorship to companies that opt to sponsor this blog. The sponsor may choose whether or not they want a FREE press release, or a free ad zone.
Take note that our ad space and sponsorship has no specific rates. Any potential sponsor and/or advertiser is welcome to negotiate the price.
To learn more about sponsorship, press release and advertisement, you may email us at


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